Asmaa Nageh


- Age: 31 years old.

Specialization: Arabic Teacher. 6 Years of Experience 

- Qualification:

* Bachelor of Arabic and Islamic studies (Faculty of Dar El Uloom) 2011.

* Post graduate Diploma in linguistic studies (Faculty of Dar El Uloom) 2013.

* Pre-master's degree in Linguistics Department (Faculty of Dar El Uloom) 2014.

- Courses:

- Linguistic correction and linguistic skills audit (preparation of linguistic references of linguistic _training center Cairo University) in 2012.

- E-learning skills (unit quality and accreditation Faculty of Dar Al Uloom) in 2012.

-The use of technology in the field of scientific research (unit quality and accreditation Faculty of Dar Al Uloom) in 2012

-Skills in the art of personal interviews (Central Library, Cairo University).