Nahla Sabaa

Teacher Nahla Sabaa
Nahla Sabaa is a distinguished educator with a strong background in Islamic and Arabic studies. Her academic achievements include:
Educational Qualifications
1. Bachelor's degree in Islamic and Arabic Studies from Al-Azhar University.
2. Certification in Hafs recitation from Asim, specializing in Quranic studies.
3. ICDL (International Computer Driving License) certification for teachers.
4. Educational Diploma from Al-Azhar University.
5. Certification in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language from the World Organization for Al-Azhar Graduates.
6. Certification in Teaching Non-Native Speakers from the Muslimito International Foundation.
# Teaching Experience
Nahla Sabaa is a skilled teacher with extensive experience in teaching the Arabic language and Islamic studies. Her expertise includes instructing non-native speakers.